
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Tip Tuesday: Inspect What You Expect

I recently read an interesting book called Large Family Logistics.  It was written by a mom of nine.  I figured that since I only raised eight, I could learn a thing or two.  ; )

Well, the book was really annoying...for the most part.

This lady is terribly organized and boring and not at all like me.  Except for maybe the boring part.  Maybe it was just her writing style.  I'm not sure.  But she also cleans her bathroom every single day.

Every.  Single.  DAY.

Yes.  I know.  What a freak, right?

Just kidding.  Sortof.

But one thing I did learn from the book is this:


Boy, is that true.  And it is something that I am really bad at.  I made a really amazing chore chart with lots of cute flip magnets and organized every job right down to doorknob washing.  Everybody around here knows exactly what they're supposed to be doing...  There's only one minor problem with my plan...


So, I'm working on taking this little bit of advice to heart myself.  I'm trying to inspect more often.  I'm still really random.  And I mean random.  But I'm working on it.  And I can vouch for the fact that it works.  And the jobs that I don't bother to inspect are the ones that I don't really care much about anyways.

And when it comes to homeschooling.... well, this is double important!  Because I'll eventually notice if the bathroom mirror didn't get clean or if the trash didn't get taken out, but schoolwork can get really out of control really fast if it isn't inspected on a regular basis.  And that's something I'm a bit of an expert on.  (Not the inspecting part)

So, there's my tip.  Inspect what you expect.

Thanks.  I needed that.

Oh, and if you're interested in the logistics book written by a really normal and organized mother, by all means... read it.  It's by Kim Brenneman.  And Michelle Duggar recommends it.  So, there ya go.

Happy Tuesday!


  1. Everyday bathroom cleaning is a bit on the freakish side. She must not blog. :) Inspect what you expect are wise, wise words, though. I have trouble with this as well. And when the kids know it, they take advantage of it. I will not be reading the book, though. Boring will put me right to sleep.

    1. Haha! True about the blogging... it's sortof my therapy. Maybe hers is cleaning her bathroom! But just to be fair, I'm sure the book would be a God-send to a different type of mama. Somebody who likes lots of schedules and structure. I'm a little more free style! : )


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