
Friday, October 19, 2012

A Garden's End... Tomato Wars!

My glorious gardening experience has come to an end... at least for this year.

Lots of workers bringing in the harvest before the first frost.

This is what homeschoolers do on lunch break.  : )

Would I be ungrateful to say that I am sick of peppers??

OK, I won't say it.

And just take a look at that amazing patch of mustard greens.  Now, that's some straaaange tasting stuff!


Patience said I should win an award for this pepper.  Yep, I'm amazed.

So, then we decided to make the best of it and have a tomato war.

 It seemed like the obvious thing to do.

oooh.  Showers following.

Now all the hens are having a blast cleaning up under the mulch.
And I'm having fun not working in the garden for a change.

Happy Fall!

1 comment:

  1. Good gravy, that's a lot of peppers! What do you do with them all? All I know how to do is freeze them. Love the tomato war, and that they were singing "veggie Tales" through it. Don't know if I could handle tomato seeds in my ear, though:)


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