
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Tip Tuesday: How to Jog...A Guide For Mommies

Who, Me?  Jog?

 Yeah, right!

I'm as shocked as you are.

It all started when I got this bright idea to exercise at least 20 minutes a day, six days a week starting in August...
  I had absolutely NO idea that I'd be jogging at least a mile a day with ease in only three weeks!  How in the world did that happen??  I'll tell you.

I put on my shoes.  Popped in my earbuds.  Fired up the treadmill.  And started walking.

I only jogged if I felt like it.  Then I just walked again.  I set my mind to go for 20 minutes.  Before I knew it I was jogging more than walking and feeling just fine.  I'm not kidding!  And lest you think I might have already been in shape, let me just tell you that I totally WAS NOT.  Even though I'm pretty much at my ideal weight, I was no where close to being in good shape.  But one thing that I noticed over the past month is that I jiggle less.  And my jeans fit better.  And that's a good sign.

 What's weird is that my weight hasn't really changed.  I'm definitely hungrier than when I was not exercising.  So, I think I'm eating a little more.  But I feel more like eating healthy stuff rather than coffee and carbs.

So, what I've been doing lately is something like 15 minutes on the treadmill, speed walking and jogging, then another 10-15 minutes doing various ab and butt exercises like crunches and ballet-type stuff that Graci showed me.  Sometimes I use small weights to do tricep-type stuff. (Here's where having a teenage son really comes in handy...since he know all about this stuff.) But, basically, the whole idea is to do something.  And do it almost every day.  And then you'll feel like doing more stuff, like playing with the kids.  And drinking more water.  And taking your vitamins.  It has sortof a snowball effect.

Just start out doing 20 minutes of something exercise related.  Five days a week.  You'll feel better!

And that's my tip for the day.

Maybe some day I'll even show you my abs, since I'm pretty proud of them.  ; )

OK, maybe not.

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