
Thursday, August 23, 2012

Put Some Windex On It

Do you remember the dad in My Big Fat Greek Wedding?  Gosh, I love that movie.  It makes me wish I was Greek.  But I'm not.  So, I rarely use Windex.  Except for cleaning windows.  But, VINEGAR, on the other hand....

Yeah, now you know my new obsession.
  My kids are gonna grow up and say, "Mom always said... 'Put some vinegar on it!' "  I mean, it's everywhere I look these days. I was cleaning out the school room and found an old Countryside magazine from Y2K, Yes, I save things forever, and guess what the cover said.  You guessed it, Amazing Vinegar!  That was from before it even became popular.  Who knew that something like vinegar would ever be popular??

So, what's it good for?  First off... it's good for what ails ya.  It can help you out internally, externally and all around your home.  It will fix your guts, your skin and your bathroom sink.  It is not poisonous or toxic.  You don't need to wear rubber gloves to clean with it.  You don't need to run out of the room to get a breath of fresh air in between scrubbing. (Can you tell that I just de-limed my shower with CLR?) Back to vinegar...It's good for preserving foods.  It makes great salad dressing.  It will polish metal and remove stains.  It will keep your lactating goats healthier (just in case you have unhealthy lactating goats).  It will trap and kill gnats in your kitchen. And, and, and.  Here's a longer list. And here.

As for what it will do for your skin...  there's ton's of articles out there telling you that it will "brighten" your face.  I don't know about that.  But it will gently remove layers of old skin.  Which helps soften wrinkles and heal zits... all at the same time!  Just mix a little apple cider vinegar with water about 1:2 ratio.  More or less depending on how sensitive your skin is. Put it in a little covered container. I thought it worked better if I wet my face and use baking soda to exfoliate first for about a minute.  Then just dip a cotton ball into your vinegar solution and put it on your face.  Try just a tiny spot first to make sure it's not too strong.  Obviously, avoid your eyes!  Be forewarned, it smells kindof weird.  But the smell fades after about 10 minutes.  You can do this once or twice a day. What the heck! Just try it and see what happens.  Some people mix in aspirin or green tea.  I haven't tried that yet, so I'm not gonna recommend it.  But, if you try it.... please let me know how it goes.

Alrighty then.  I've got to run.  I just wanted to answer a question that I  got recently about using it on your face.   But I got carried away.  Sorry about that.

Vinegar is just so darn exciting.

And, yes, I do need to get out more.

: )

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