
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Seedlings, Schooling, Potatoes & Prizes

After only one week, these babies are reaching for the light.

Here's my rig-jig operation.  So far... Hey, it works!

That flat in the front hasn't sprouted yet.

The school room is now the nursery...
a cute little pepper plant

Time to thin them out already.  I hate doing this.  I can't make up my mind.  : (

This has been really amazing to watch.  When I go upstairs in the evening to tuck the kids in, we always check on the plants together.  We turn their light off at bedtime and then turn it back on in the morning.  Pretty soon they'll get to go outside, especially if this amazing weather keeps up.

The kids have moved their school outside.  I love that about homeschooling.  It used to kill me to be cooped up in the classroom when I was a kid, especially when Spring rolled around.  How nice for them that they get to hold their kitties and chase the rooster away when he comes on the deck to eat the cat food.  That's pretty funny.

Oh, and my spinach that was buried under all that snow just sprouted today.

This week we're gonna build some boxes to grow potatoes in.  I read that it's lucky to plant them on St. Patty's Day.  And that you can grow 100 lbs of potatoes in a 2x2 box.  At least that's what I heard.  : )

Oh, and today is the last day for the necklace giveaway.  So, if you haven't left me a it now!  Just kidding, just do it if you want to.  And if you want to maybe possibly win that super cool necklace and cheer me up with your inspiring quotes...  I'll post the winner tomorrow!

OK, I'm done rambling...


  1. Ha... Funny. I read the same article about growing a potato tower. Im making some myself. Until recently, I had no idea how unhealthy conventionally grown potatoes were.

    1. Uh oh. I didn't know that.... But we sure eat a lot of potatoes, and everybody says that home grown taste better. Hopefully, we'll find out!

  2. Are you starting yours from store bought potatoes? I know you can do that. And can also grow 'em in a trash can! It makes harvesting as easy as dumping out the contents of your can. So I read. Cuz I've never grown potatoes. :) -Anna

    1. I was going to buy "seed potatoes" from Tractor Supply. I think you can use store potatoes, but need to let them sprout first. That wouldn't really be a problem for me, since I always have some sprouting in the depths of my pantry. I've also seen that trash can method. I think they would need more light... I might try just a chicken wire cage on metal fence posts vs. the wooden box method and see which one works best. ??

  3. ooooo! you're sharp! sounds like an adventure! :) -Anna

    1. You guys could probably try that back by the farm fence line.
      By the way... are you ready for some chickens, yet?? Ezra could seriously rake in the bucks selling eggs in your neighborhood.


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