
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Help From the Blogosphere

Yes, God does work in mysterious ways.  He speaks that way, too.

I've heard him in his Word.  In a song.  In a sermon.  On a billboard....

Who knew that He spoke in blogs?

Here I am wondering, in the back of my mind, which vacuum I should buy.  Mine bit the dust several weeks ago and we've been using our tiny camper vacuum for our huge amount of very dirty floors and it's getting just a bit comical.  At least for me, since Jacob is the one who vacuums around here.  He finally said that enough is enough, we need a new vacuum.

                                                                                                                                                                 Last night I sat down to check on the blogs I read... there's only TWO, mind you.  The first post was about a vacuum.  How did you know?

Seriously, this lady is telling me that I need to go to the store immediately and buy THIS vacuum.

 OK, I'll do it!

(Oh, and if you didn't click that "vacuum" link, do it, she's funny and encouraging and has a bunch of kids.)

Next thing, this morning, I'm checking on the other blog I read.  We've been working on clearing our very neglected land.

  The guys have been clearing and burning all weekend.  But the Captain hates to cut down trees.  It's not so much the work as the tree being gone that he hates.  He really likes trees.

  But on this post, the husband of the Pioneer Woman is explaining WHY these darn cedar trees are bad and why you should cut them down without mercy.  How's that for a decisive answer?

I love the way God works.

You might not think He is speaking to you because you don't get a warm fuzzy when you read the Bible or you never hear a voice from heaven.  Personally, I think that might scare me to death.  And I rarely get that warm fuzzy, either.  But God definitely speaks.  Both of those blogs answered my very practical questions.  If you ask God for wisdom, He will give it.  He is very practical.  I love that about him.

OK, there's my pep talk.

I'm off to buy the vacuum and a new chainsaw blade.


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