
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

A Lava Rock Debacle

Look what I just did to my perfectly normal looking landscaping!

I'm not sure what got into me.

I guess I'm just not a lava rock type person.

Or holly bushes, either...

Those bushes were just so very large.

And the lava rock was just so, well, lava-ey.

And my pets were so little when this picture was taken.  But those darn bushes just kept getting bigger. No matter what we did.  Until now.

So, now they're gone.

And I'm just stuck with about five tons of pink lava rock.

I considered doing this with it...

Doesn't that look nice?

But then I'd still be hating the darn stuff in another place.  So, we're in a bit of a quandary.

I wonder if I could sell it on Craig's List.... five tons of 17 year old lava rock.  Come get it!

Well, it's gonna be beautiful when it's all done!

At least I keep telling myself that.

And I'm getting a pretty good workout out of the deal.

Oh, and it's Tuesday, so here's my tip:  Don't landscape with lava rock unless you're sure that you will love it forever, because it will never go away.  It just gets uglier over time.

You may thank me for that some day.

: )

OK, break's over.

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHAHAHA!!!! I SO LOATHE lava rock!! Bless your heart! I bet you COULD sell it on Craigslist! Stranger things have happened!

    Hilarious, are hilarious. I bet you'll transform your space into something very beautiful, sans the lava.


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