
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Tip Tuesday: A Handy Egg Substitute

Well, apparently, Spring has sprung in our chickens' brains because they've started laying again.  It's funny, just about the time we were up to our eyeballs in eggs last Fall, they quit laying almost completely.  We didn't really mind.  In fact, I only bought a few dozen eggs all winter long... and now they're back up in production!

One of the reasons why we didn't really buy many eggs this Winter (besides the fact that they're gross and expensive) is because I use this handy substitute in most of my baking.

You've probably heard that flax is good for you, right.  But it's often difficult to find a way to eat it!

I got this ginormous bag from Sam's club ages ago for around ten bucks.  I keep it in the back of the fridge and it seems to be keeping just fine.

So, here's that handy tip you've been waiting for:

1 egg = 1 T. flax + 3 T. water

Yep, who knew, right?

And it actually works just fine!

I've never tried the butter substitute because I'm a hard-core butter eater, and we rarely run out of that wonderful stuff.

Anyways, you can buy a much smaller bag at the normal grocery store and try it out for yourself.  Be sure to keep it refrigerated once it's opened.  We're on our second ginormous bag!

OK, well, happy Tuesday!

And, by the way, if you're thinking about raising your own laying hens.... now's the time!!  Chickens are so great!!!  Check out our chickening adventure here.  We ordered our peeps from here.  We loooove our chickens!

Here's a happy chicken.

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