
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Tip Tuesday: Food Migraines

Now this tip is certainly not gonna apply to everyone, but if it helps one person as much as it has helped me then I'm a happy blogger!

First, a little story:
For yearrrrs I have suffered from migraine headaches.  I had tried everything I knew of to fix them.  Advil, Tylenol, Aleve, Sudafed, progesterone cream, hot showers, essential oils, nasal spray... see, I was desperate!  Nothing worked.  Nothing.  And the weirdest thing is... I always seemed to wake up on Saturday morning with a killer headache that started before it was even light outside and lasted until about dinner time.  That makes for a pretty funky Saturday!
How strange, I thought.  Maybe it's the Friday night movie that we watched-- we do watch a lot of shoot-em-up type movies that the guys pick out.  Those kind of movies stress me out, so I was thinking maybe that was the cause of my Saturday headaches. ?? So, I gave up the movies.  But it didn't help.  Then I started thinking that since we eat pizza every Friday, I may be gluten intolerant.  Yes!  That's gotta be it!  All the symptoms matched perfectly.  So, I gave up the gluten.  Didn't eat any bread for a while.  That maybe helped a little... no, not really.
But then... after YEARS of suffering... I finally figured it out!!!
And alas, I am cured.
The End.

So, what do you think of that??  From then on, I do not eat pepperoni and I do not have migraines.  Tadah!
I also do not eat sausage, smoked sausage, processed lunch meat or chemical filled meats like that.
I like all those foods just fine.  I just can't eat them for some reason.

Now, I'm just gonna say that I am definitely NOT a food snob, and I'll eat just about anything-- I grew up on hotdogs and bologna!  Maybe that's why I've developed this weird allergy.  I have no idea.  But the main thing is that it really IS an allergy and it's so incredibly easy to deal with!  And all those years that I had no idea what was going on in my brain make sense now.

Don't worry, we still watch movies and eat pizza every Friday night... I just make my corner of the pizza a little different.  And Saturdays are much better.

So, I just wanted to share that weird fact about me with you guys just in case you might have a similar weird thing.  If you suffer from migraines, try to pay attention to what you ate 12-24 hours earlier.  Quit eating it.  Slowly introduce that food back into your diet and see how your brain feels about it.  Then quit for a few weeks and try it again.  It may take several months for you to figure it out, but it will be sooooo worth it!

Hope this helps someone....
if it's you, please let me know!
if it's not you, be thankful, pass it on and maybe you can help a friend. : )

1 comment:

  1. Crazy! A lot of those foods you listed have msg or high levels of sodium in them, which I'm sure you know. So maybe it's the dang MSG. I try to avoid it too, but I miss breakfast sausage sometimes so I'll cave! Then I'm all puffed up an hour later. Love!

    Anna :)


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