
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Blog Slacker

I'm so sorry that I'm such a slacker here on the ole blog.

As soon as I started to type that sentence, a convo came in from Etsy.  So I had to switch tabs and help a young wife design her bracelet set.

I think it's totally fun and cute and I love being a part of celebrating the sweet things in life!  Oh, and in case you were wondering...  "convo" is the hip way to say conversation on Etsy, but every time I attempt to type the word, my spell check changes it to congo.  And that can be seriously awkward.  For example:  "Did you get my congo?"  or  "I'll congo you later, OK?"


So, today I hammered and stamped a ton of coins.  I had an epic blonde moment when I turned the drill to the wrong drilling direction and tried for an hour to drill a hole in a coin with the drill thinking that I wanted to un-drill a hole.  Needless to say, I've had better days.

I also spilled my drink on myself three different times today.  How weird is that?

Then I moved my piano up to the living room.  It's been dormant down in the basement for waaaay too long.  I labeled all the hundred cords and tried with all of my mind to hook it all back up right, but for some reason, no sound is coming out.  Alas, the headphones work still.  So, I got to play the piano --looking out the window-- for a whole 30 minutes today and it was so nice.  And now all the kids are playing and they want me to give them lessons.  Yay!  I really missed music.

And the cat was looking in the second story window this morning. Don't ask me how.

There's four birthdays this month in our family-- and I'm not talking extended relatives!  Four of our own children!  Talk about biological clock... geez!  So, we're calling it "birthday month" and eating a different nice, fancy meal and homemade cake each week!  I'm thinking that God had all this planned out for me because I get so darn glum in February and I think all this cake might just help.

What else? Oh, I happened upon the most amazing dog bed idea.  I don't even have a dog in my house, but if I did, I would make one of these!

Of course, I have no idea where I found this or I would happily give credit.  If I think of it, I'll let you know.  But I just love, love love it!

And I love beagles.

And bagels.

And now I have blogged to my heart's content!

And since it's Tuesday, I'll leave you with a tip...  take vitamin D in the winter.  And B complex.  It helps.

That's all.

Love you guys.


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