
Monday, January 14, 2013

Life: Instagrammed

My newest most favorite obsession.... Instagram!

It's a bunch of random little snippets of life that are interesting, for no particular reason.

 With a neato filter added on that makes them even more interesting.

 You can crop to your heart's content.

 And capture the funny things in your life.

 Without having to be profound.  

 Or perfect.

The filters bring out the feeling behind the moment.

Making them all warm and cozy...

Or cool and ominous.  

It makes bad pictures better.

And good ones better.

And they're all collected in one handy spot for your browsing pleasure. 

It's the perfect creative outlet for busy moms and their kids (who constantly hack mom's account).

Because it's so entertaining.

So.... have you tried it yet? 
 It's free!
  Look me up (jensnest).  

Happy Monday, y'all!  

1 comment:

  1. That's so fun! Everyone I know has Instagram except me! :( I assume you have to have a smart phone to use it?? I'm so clueless!


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