
Friday, January 25, 2013

Slip Slidin Away

 It finally turned cold here in Kentucky!  So far, winter has felt more like Fall.  Until this week!  Baby, it's cold outside!  And the kiddos had a blast playing on the creek.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Hibernation Un-Motivation

It is19 degrees out there today.  And not a hint of sun ANYWHERE.  Just deadness and gray.  Nothing to do but snuggle up and wait.  Which leads me to my latest theory....

Do you think that humans are supposed to hibernate???

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Tip Tuesday: Cold Cereal Shake Up

OK, so I just realized that it's Tuesday.  Not bad, since it's only 6:30!  And there's two guys in my basement working on the furnace.  I'm glad because for the past several weeks it's been getting louder and louder to the point of breaking out the earplugs.  Me, not the furnace.  It sounds a lot like a deep growl going up the wall behind my head.  That's not a very comforting sound at night.  As you can imagine.  So, we're finally getting it the help it needs.  Aren't you glad you know that?

On another front.... I was mixing up the ole cereal this morning and thought you might like to know this little tidbit of tightwaddery.  We rarely buy cold cereal anymore, but when we do we always mix two different types-- sweet and plain.  Two boxes fit perfectly in these nice big pour containers that I got from Aldi a verrrry long time ago.  Then I just shake it up and whammo! Nobody can hog all the sweet cereal before everybody else wakes up.  We do this with cocoa or fruity/plain rice crispies, honey or cinnamon/plain cheerios, and frosted flakes/plain corn flakes.  Sometimes we dump a box of granola into a box of plain cornflakes (when we're feelin' really fancy).  Just make sure you hold the lid closed before you shake it up.  I'm just guessing that it might totally explode all over the kitchen if you don't.  Just guessing.

And that sums up my very exciting life.

Oh, and I got to go on a date last night with my incredibly manly, handsome SON.

 And I got a Smashburger and a movie out of the deal.... which is always good.

Oh, and I also came up with a new jewelry design.  It's an act of desperation really because I can't really go out in the garage and hammer right now due to the fact that I'm in so much pain that I can barely move my neck and I look like a robot when I turn my head.  It might help if I went to the doctor but I was raised by skeptics and I'm terrified to actually find out what's wrong in there.  So, when I say "pray for me" I really mean it because all this Aleve can't be a good thing.  But, you know how God causes all things to work together for the good?  Well, here's my latest project...

So, there ya have it...  Mix your cereal, eat a Smashburger and buy yourself a necklace.

Oh, and stay warm!  Brrrrrrr!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Monday, January 14, 2013

Life: Instagrammed

My newest most favorite obsession.... Instagram!

It's a bunch of random little snippets of life that are interesting, for no particular reason.

 With a neato filter added on that makes them even more interesting.

 You can crop to your heart's content.

 And capture the funny things in your life.

 Without having to be profound.  

 Or perfect.

The filters bring out the feeling behind the moment.

Making them all warm and cozy...

Or cool and ominous.  

It makes bad pictures better.

And good ones better.

And they're all collected in one handy spot for your browsing pleasure. 

It's the perfect creative outlet for busy moms and their kids (who constantly hack mom's account).

Because it's so entertaining.

So.... have you tried it yet? 
 It's free!
  Look me up (jensnest).  

Happy Monday, y'all!  

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Modern Marvels: My iPhone

Well, whattaya know!  It appears as if I can now add more pictures.  Yay!  (This was just a random pic from my desktop that I grabbed to check to see if blogger forgot about me.)

Also, I had the sweetest evening last night.  Just thought I'd tell you about it...

After supper, which included my friend Lori's homemade tortillas, I sat down in my comfy chair with a heating pad on my neck to relax (I've got something majorly wrong in there but I'm too scared to go to the doc to find out what it is-- pray for me).  Anyways, Ben climbed up on me to snuggle, and since I was listening to Pandora radio on my iPhone, I gave him an earbud.  He must have laid there for an hour texting Captain, who was on the couch, in the same room on his iPhone, and Graci, who was upstairs in her room.  He was practicing spelling words and making funny faces with all the quirky little pictures that my phone has on it.  Later, Graci said that Ben's text made her day.  How cute is that?  It just said, "Ben. Grace, I love you."  Aww.

And speaking of Pandora radio.... have you guys ever given that a try??  It's super cool!  I just chose "Kim Hill," since she was my all time favorite Christian artist from the old days, and I got to listen to her AND lots of other music that I totally forgot about from that same era (college/young mommy days).  Artists that I totally forgot about, like Susan Ashton, that are so good!  It was so nice just sitting there listening to worship, getting snuggled and enjoying my family-- all staring at their little backlit screens.
You know what they say...

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em!