
Thursday, November 29, 2012

What Day Is It, Again?

Yeah, so it took me until 6:00 last night to figure out that it wasn't actually Tuesday.

Well, duh.

I've been spending waaaay too much time out in the garage pounding pennies!
Or maybe it's the paint fumes...  : /

Oh, and today I've only got FOUR children.

Totally weird.

Jacob's at college and Grace and Noah are at work.

Somebody was up barfing last night.  Don't know who, yet.

And there's two random deer legs out in my front yard.

I think Annabelle brought them to me as a gift, because she never chews them, she just finds them and lays them in the yard outside the window where I sit at the computer...
So that I can see them.

Isn't she sweet?

Gosh, it's sure hard to do "school" right before Christmas!
Benjamin read his first real words yesterday, and it was totally effortless on my part.  I'm tellin' ya, 
have a whole bunch of kids because the last few are the easiest!

Now, there's a tip, and it's not even Tuesday... or Wednesday.
I think.   : )


  1. Yes, kids definitely are easier by the dozen!!! It really is true! (Not that I have a dozen or even close, but still...)


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