
Thursday, October 11, 2012

My Twilight Zone

Do you remember that old show?

 Me and my big sister used to stay up late and watch it on weekends when we were really little.  I'm not sure if we were even allowed... but it sure freaked me out!  I'd be freaked out for quite a while afterwards, too.

And I've been just a tad freaked out lately, too.  Do you want to know why?  Well, I'll tell ya.  It's because I'm not totally sure that I'm not currently living in the Twilight Zone.

Do you ever hear that weird theme song playing in your head when people act so totally bizarre that you just have to stop and wonder?  I do.

So, here's a few of the latest strange happenings....

Yesterday I took about ten loads of laundry to our local laundry mat.  Never been there before. (My old faithful appliance finally gave up the ghost and leaked its contents all over the laundry room floor the day before we were planning on going on our big out-of-town-trip) After driving 25 minutes to get to said laundromat, it ended up being closed until 1:00.  (??)  That was 1 1/2 hours away, so we drove back home.  When I came back later with said 10 loads of laundry... I proceeded to load them into the two empty front loading machines that were sitting there empty.  (I actually prayed on the way there that there would be some available--and that's a big step for me.)  So far, so good.  I won't mention how all the people sitting there waiting for their clothes to wash were watching us like we were a strange reality TV show.  Well, when my stuff was half loaded in, the manager of the place came over and asked an old guy, who was happily loading his little load into a normal machine, if he wanted to use the one that I just half-filled.  Say What?  And the poor old guy looked so confused and asked the manager several questions like "How big is it?" and "How much is it?"... You get the idea.  The whole time I'm just standing there looking stupid.  I've been doing that alot lately.  The manager just kept saying that since that old guy was there "first" that he ought to have dibs.  I'm thinking something like... "Am I in the Twilight Zone???"  Graci and Noah were there, too,  thinking the same thing.  I brought them along to do an English lesson while we waited.  OK, so, eventually we got that whole thing sorted out and I washed the 43 loads of laundry in the super giant machines that hold about 72 pairs of jeans, Bless the Lord!

Thinking that all the weirdness was behind me.... I sorted and loaded my clothes into the big ole dryers right beside those wonderful washing machines.  Guess what happened.  Yep, broken.  Weird manager returns to tell me that that has never happened before.  That somebody just used it before me and that it worked just fine.  So, I moved all my clothes to another dryer while he proceeded to work on the broken one.   Guess what.  That one broke, too.  I jokingly told the guy that it was probably my fault since I seem to have some sort of appliance jinx going on lately.  He didn't laugh.  I think he believed me.  After waiting thirty minutes for him to attempt to fix the dryers, I finally ended up taking all of my wet clothes back out.  No sooner did I take them out... the machines got fixed!  And to make matters even weirder.... while I was loading them up into my baskets (to dry on the line at home--Praise the Lord!), another strange old guy starts waxing eloquent about some sermon he heard about Jonah, and how it's better to be swallowed by a whale than to be nibbled to death by little fish.  What's that supposed to mean?!


Oh, yeah, that's just the beginning!

Is it just me, or was that really Twilight Zone?

 Please tell me I'm still OK?


(I promise not to come to your house and break your appliances)


  1. hey jen, this is so funny,i laughed and your pic shows it all. i would watch a tv reality show featuring jennifer's big happy nest. thank God your ok. and what a day to remember. going through a twilight zone!!!!!

  2. Ooh, that was a creepy show. And yes, your experience was quite abnormal. In order to be on the show, though, that guy had to have some secret in the back room. Or all those other people knew something about the town that you just casually walked into. Creepy! Glad you got out of there safely!


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