
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Tip Tuesday: Amazing Vinegar

I've been meaning to tell you guys about my various vinegar experiments for quite a while now.  But I was concerned that you might think I'm weirder than I actually am.  Which would be hard for me to handle.  Since I'm already realllly weird.

Clause.  Clause.  Clause.  How can I ever hope to teach my children proper grammar when I'm such a sorry example??  Oh well.  I guess I'll just hope that they do all their writing on blogs and not English textbooks.  And, yes, I'm about to tell you about the vinegar experiment...

So, I was doing lots of research several months ago about how your body is supposed to be in an alkaline state to be healthy.  Unfortunately, thanks to our modern diet, we are often in an acidic state called "acidosis."  What that means is that germs and other otherwise harmless bacteria grow better in an acidic environment and are making us feel bad and be sick more often than we should be.  Now if you remember your chemistry lessons, you'll know all about the pH scale and how it is a base on one end, acid on the other and neutral in the middle.  If you don't, that's fine, because all this really confused me at first.  Anyways, if your body is too acidic... get this... what you need to do is DRINK VINEGAR.  Totally weird, right?  And somehow, unbeknownst to me, it will balance things out and make you feel better.  I told you it was strange!

My good computer is on the fritz right now or I would show you lots of pictures and recipes.  But right now all I'll say is that it works.  You can use the Bragg's brand organic apple cider vinegar or just any other brand.  Put a couple spoonfuls in a glass of water.  And try not to gag while drinking it.  It's super weird!  I guess you're supposed to do that at least two times a day.  You can drink it straight, but you definitely WILL gag, and it's hard on your teeth.

So, why would you want to do such a thing?  Well, it can't hurt.  And it might just help.  I have a friend whose husband does this for weight loss.  And he swears by it.  My oldest son says that it makes him feel better and clears up his acne.  I can get a UTI to go away within hours by drinking it.  And I'm sure there's a hundred other things that it helps.  Just google it!

Also, and I know this is strange, I've even tried it ON my skin.  It was a total random experiment that I wasn't gonna tell you about.  But last night I saw a post on it by somebody else and thought she seemed pretty normal, so I'll direct you over to her for the lowdown.  All I can say is that ACV (apple cider vinegar) is extremely cheap and works every bit as good as all the other fancy-dancy alpha hydroxy wonder creams that are out there.  It's just kindof hard to get used to the smell.  It has such a strong association with dying Easter eggs!  So, here's the link to the website that I promise you're gonna like. Even if you don't like the vinegar.  OK, that's my bonus tip.  : )

Hope you guys are having a great Tuesday!  Go get yerself some vinegar.

Oh, and let me know if you've already tried this and what you think of it.


  1. Ok. Ok, ummm, okay. I think I need this. I'm feeling so darn sluggish lately. SO DARN SLUGGISH. (Read my blog post for today.) And now I'm thinking I need some vinegar! Ok. Gag.

    I may have to put it on a salad though....I don't think I can handle drinking it straight.

    We'll see.

    Ok, thank you for this!!

  2. I have been dying to try this. Does it help with your skin? I need help with my skin. ugh. -Anna

  3. ok, so I've been using it as an astringent a little more than 1/2 strength (diluted with water) because I have the clogginest pores you have ever seen...especially on my nose!!! Seriously. Nothing works. Day 2 and my pores have shrunk and the clogginess is clearing up. Drinking it too. waiting and watching. :) -Anna


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