
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Tip Tuesday: Use Less

We're always trying to figure out ways of saving money for our family.  Most of the time we first think of how to spend less on the things we need.  How to get a better deal.  But one often overlooked method of saving money is to use less.  Here's where a little thrifty thinking comes in.  Did you know that a whole scoop full of detergent is enough for at least four loads?

 It says so right there on the directions!


Actually, all you really need is 1/4 cup.  Which would make this box of detergent last four time longer.  Which would cost 75% less than if you were using a full scoop for each load.

Since I often have wasteful teenagers doing laundry around my house, I usually throw away the original scoop and put in a 1/4 cup measure instead.  The clothes get clean just fine!

And speaking of teenagers...  And using less...

Get some of these!

My water bill went down 15 bucks the first month!

This principle applies to soooooo many things around the house that we take for granted.  Like shampoo and toothpaste and paper towels.  By just using less, we automatically save money... and save trips to the store... which also saves money.  And saves lots of aggravation from running out so often.

Use less, now that's one useful tip.  ; )

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