
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Tip Tuesday: Traveling With the Fam

 Here's ten tips that my kids wanted to share with you about road trips with the family.  They just rattled these off for me as I typed. 

I have no idea what is going on here...

1.  Always bring a barf can.  Coffee cans are our favorite for this (and we've tried lots of different things, sadly).  Even if you never actually need it, it gives a sense of comfort just knowing that if you do, it's there.  Keep a big zip-lock bag in the can, so you can zip it up and dispose of it at the next convenient stop.  Trust me on this one.

2.  Good stories on CD are a lifesaver!  The library has tons or buy them on itunes.  Some of my kid's favorites are:  Around the World in 80 Days, Little Britches, Johnny Tremain, The Witch of Blackbird Pond, and of course... The Narnia Series!  We wear those things out and still looooove them!

3.  Keep a case of waters or each kid bring their own water bottles in the van.  No other sweet drinks, because everybody chugs them and then has to stop in 20 minutes.

4.  Snacks.  Keep it simple, but keep them in the car at all times... not just on a long trip.  We like peanut butter crackers, granola bars, pretzels, nuts or dry cereal.  Apples are great, too, if your kids are older... That way we don't need to stop nearly as often and we avoid fast food like the plague.

5.  Baby wipes Even if you don't have a baby.

6.  Hand sanitizer in a handy pump.  Pass it around after every stop.

7.  Keep a roll of paper towels in the car.  You'll know why when you need them.

8.  Make up a family sound child left behind!

9.  Liquid Benadryll.  But you didn't hear that from me.

10.   Lower your expectations.  Kids make everything take longer.  But once you get there, you'll be glad you brought them along.  Have Fun!

So, what other advice would you like to add???  C'mon, somebody out there needs to hear it!  ; )


  1. Awesome! Especially number 10. Kids need more time because this isn't part of their routine. Loved it all. Thank you!

  2. Ha! I keep the exact same blue coffee can.... With lid in my car as a "barf can". It has definately come in handy... That way you don't have to panic trying to find something at a moment's notice. For long trips we bring DVD's either from the library, or buy a special movie, in advance, then not let them watch it till the trip. The bottled water is a great idea, that way they will have something when they actually ARE thirsty, and not gulp down a huge amount of sugary drink, then " have to go". Oh, when we do stop for a bathroom break, I MAKE everyone go... Even if they think they don't have to.

  3. PILLOWS! They take up alot of room, but the kids seem to go to sleep more easily if we have them. Then a nice audio book - YES!!!


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