
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Tip Tuesday: Dishwasher Soap

If ya thought I was gonna tell you how to make it, sorry to disappoint you.  I looked it up and thought about it, and even bought the ingredients...but that's as far as I got.  I did, however, come upon a different helpful hint that you will want to know about...


And if your dishwasher is anything like mine, it will thank you.

Because ours usually cleans about 2/3 of the dishes and the rest are semi-permanently foodified.  And it takes soaking in a sink full of hot soapy water just to attempt to re-wash them. Unless the dishwasher unloading person is feeling lazy.  In that case, that dirty 1/3 will continue to be re-washed and re-baked on and recycled ad infinitude.  And that is not the kind of recycling that we are shooting for.

So, all that to say... Buy this stuff!  Consumer Reports told me about it and I love them for it.  It's not cheap, but it works.  And that makes it a good deal!

And that's all I've got to say about that.
Happy Tuesday.  Happy dish washing.

And just 'coz I love ya, here's a bonus tip:

Be nice to your kids today because they will take care of you when you're old.

; )


  1. I'll try it! I deal with the same thing with my dishwasher. So irritating. I usually end up taking my dishwasher apart every six months or so... It's amazing how little bits of plastic, lables and other unknown items find their way down into where the food is supposed to get ground up, preventing it from doing its job.... I also run the dishwasher empty every once in a while with two cups of white vinegar in a glass dish on bottom rack, after scrubbing loose any yuck I find around inside of door seal with an old toothbrush. It seems to help.

  2. Haha! I'll try it! : ) A big part of my problem is that a different kid cleans the kitchen each night... quality control issues. That vinegar probably helps with hard water build up. We even used pipe cleaners to clean out the holes in the top spinny thing. That helped too. Hey, dishwashers are an important part of our lives... gotta treat 'em right!


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