
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Purple Peppers, A Turkey Family and A Dirty Boy

My first peppers... and they're really purple.  How weird is that??
Looking out my kitchen window.  This hot weather is at least good for one thing... drying clothes!
And I saw a mommy turkey this morning with her flock of babies while I was making coffee. That's our deck table.  That's how close they were!  And I was totally amazed.
More veggies from the garden.  Yay for zucchini!  I like this funny, random picture. 

My big kids are home from camp!!! Yay for that, too!!

Noah being dirty at camp.  Geez.

Graci carrying Noah at camp.  Good thing she's around!

Chickens drinking from the AC overflow water.  It's so hot, they're panting.  Did you know chickens pant?  I didn't.
We were panting, too.  So we bought a pool.  It's great.

And everyone's burnt now.  Elijah is such a sweet brother!

The End.

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