
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Tip Tuesday: Salt

Hi Guys,
I've been thinking and thinking of a clever way to tell you about my latest epiphany.  Couldn't quite come up with anything witty or smart.  So I'll just tell ya...


I have no idea where the idea came from.
Out of the blue, I got the bright idea to wash my face with salt.
You already know that I'm weird, so I'm sure that didn't surprise you.  But the surprising thing is that it did an amazing job.  And it is dirt cheap.  Actually, I think it's cheaper than dirt.

I know, since I've been buying a lot of dirt lately, too.

Our family spends a fortune on face products.  We have four teenagers.  Zits are an issue, to say the least.  And as for the adults...I had hoped that I would have at least a year or two of nice skin between zits and wrinkles, but unfortunately, that's not the case.  I've got both.  And it's a major bummer!

Proactive is ridiculously expensive but since it actually works, we bite the bullet and buy it.  It works better on the teenagers than for me since they aren't dealing with wrinkles at the same time.  The step one of proactive is a really gritty exfoliating scrub that works better than any other on the market.  It's just a little too drying for me.  Which got me thinking...

So, that's where salt comes in.

I started thinking about how nice my skin looks when I'm at the beach.  And how all our little cuts and scrapes heal up so fast.  And how natural things are so much better and God is so smart...  And then I went into my bathroom with the kitchen salt and scrubbed my face.  I tried it for about a week before I told my family.  Then they all wanted to give it a shot.

Then I decided to read about it.  Turns out that it's a real thing that OTHER people do, too.  : ) Some people mix salt with olive oil, or oil and fresh lemon.  I haven't done that yet.  But I did switch to sea salt, which is sold right there in the baking aisle next to Morton's.  It's cheap, too.  Just be sure to buy the fine, not coarse type.

I just keep a little tea cup full in my bathroom so that I can use it in the shower, too.  That makes it  easier to rinse off.    You can use it on your whole body occasionally, if you want to.  I also use it on my face at the sink sometimes before bed.  
So, now my husband is trying it.  And he likes it.  And I didn't even expect that!  

All I do is wet my face with warm water.  Pour a little salt into my hand.  Use my finger tips to massage it onto my face.  I scrub all around my eyes--you know, all those laugh lines--and my whole face and neck.  Probably about 20-30 seconds is all it takes.  Then rinse with warm water.  That's it! 

It works as well, or better than anything else I've tried.  It doesn't dry your face like soap.  It actually leaves your skin feeling soft!  It's natural.  And it's seriously cheap.

On a side note, just in case you still think I'm crazy...  Contact solution is saline (salt), my husband swears by his saline nasal spray, and the body-piercing people tell you to clean your piercing with sea salt/water solution twice a day.  Salt is good stuff!

So, yeah, that's my tip.  And I'm really curious if any of you guys have ever tried that.  And if you have, what do you think?  And if you haven't, well, what are you waiting for??  

Try it.  

Seriously.  Right now!  And then come back and tell me what you think!!

And have a super day while you're at it.

: )

Oh, and by the way,  I'm not a dermatologist or a doctor.  This is just my hunch. So, take it with a grain of salt.  hehe.


  1. Ha! Ha! I've been saying the same thing.... That it sure would be nice to have a little time to not have to deal with acne before the wrinkles set in. My teen acne was nothing compared to the 40 something acne. After trying every remedy that the internet as well as my dermatologist had to offer, Im on accutaine :( surprisingly though, the side effects arent nearly as bad as in my 20's.

    I've never tried salt, but earlier in my home remedy quest, i found a couple of helpful things. The first is an asprin mask... Uncoated asprin, a few drops of water, mix into a paste and apply. The second thing is like a biore pore strip on steroids.... Knox unflavored gelatin, a little bit of warm milk, mix and apply fast with a brush. Let it dry then peel off.


    1. Is accutaine working? I'm afraid of that stuff... I think it actually made my vision worse, back in high school. I'm glad the side effects aren't as bad this time for you.

  2. I will try the salt. Btw I made my own deodorant and it actually WORKS!!! No more aluminum from deodorant. YAY!

  3. 5-6 Tbs coconut oil, 1/4 c cornstarch, and 1/4 c baking soda. I mixed it up in the food processor and store it in a little jar with a lid. I was shocked that it worked and is not oily...


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