
Friday, May 18, 2012

A Good Flick

Have you seen this movie?

We just found it at our local video store.  That's right, folks, and honest-to-goodness video store!  Not a Redbox.  Which is like the Wal-mart of the movie world.  But that's another story.

Anyways, our video store also has bunnies and exotic tropical fish--  how cool is that?  I love supporting local stores.  I'd gladly pay a little more just to keep them in business.  But their movies are only 99 cents for the first day, so take that redbox!  And they have every movie that you can think of (mostly) and they even know where it is and have seen it, too.  For a non-movie lover like myself, that's pretty impressive.

And I'm curious what you guys think of this...  would you rather watch those cheesy, church-made movies with corny religious lines, so-so acting and an in-your-face moral message, or do you prefer to watch a movie with a GOOD redeeming story about real people working through real struggles and overcoming-- even though there's cussing and a few other funky things thrown in?

We've seen tons of both.  Some are better than others. 

This movie, Joyful Noise, had some of that funky stuff-- teens sneaking/dating, yelling at mom, cussing (I absolutely hate God's name in vain cussing and don't even know why they put that junk in a perfectly good movie) and other random bad stuff.  But it also had such a redemptive story line.  Real struggles.  Real people.  Religion vs. Christianity.  Hard questions.  Leaves you feeling good.  And happy. 

So, what do you think?

What are your favorite movies that you watch over and over and quote on a regular basis?

1 comment:

  1. Definately Nacho Libre! That movie kills me. :) Last night was my first Friday where Jeremy was gone working an all nighter and I just went to bed. Strange! -Anna


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