
Friday, April 6, 2012

Shift Happens

How did this happen??

WHEN did this happen?

WOW, is this a weird feeling.

I spent the entire day yesterday going through pictures. 
I'm getting ready for Jacob's graduation in May. 
We're putting together a little slide show as part of the ceremony.  I'm generally not a very sentimental person.  I've never scrap booked, I don't save cards very well and there's only a few baby pictures around my house.... but this is getting to me just a little.

It's weird how when you're in the thick of motherhood and there seems to be either a baby or a baby mess in every corner of your house you think it might never end.  But, trust me, it will.  And when it does... you WILL miss that baby stuff.  

But I also really enjoy the young man.  It's just totally, completely different.  The other night I was showing Jacob some of his toddler pictures and even he started to get sentimental.  He said it felt like he was going to his own funeral.  Insightful.  Those days are gone forever.  And now the gigantic, unknown future is opening up before him.

  First one out of the nest. 

 Surprisingly reluctant to go.  

I guess that's a good thing.

So I'm reminding myself... Don't be fooled by that grown-up appearance.  These big kids still need their mama.  The future is unsure and home, as restrictive as it seems at times, it still safe.  

Everybody always tells young moms to "enjoy it while they're young."  And of course it's true.  But it's also hard to do.  I think a better way to say it would be, "don't take those babies for granted."  They will be driving away before you know what hit you. 

So kiss them and listen to them and make time for holding them today. 

You'll never regret it.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I know those feelings. I too, tell my daughter to enjoy all the moments with Arya as they go too fast. After all those years of a house full of 4 kids and activities, my house is too quiet. And worst is they aren't within easy reach. the closest is 1 hr away until July when she heads to Air Force OCS and the furthest with grand baby is 6 hrs away. Believe me I make that drive frequently. Empty Nest sucks big time!!


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