
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Permission to Change

Final stretch, y'all!

How was your school year?  For me, it's been a pretty darn good year.  But there's definitely a few things that are going to need more of my attention next year.

Since we're close to the end, it's a good time to evaluate...while we're still in the thick of it.  If I wait until after summer break to plan for next year, I might forget the things that bug me right now, not make any changes and possibly be doomed to repeat it.  Remember that verse in the Bible that says that it's the little foxes that spoil the vineyard?  Sometimes it's like that in homeschooling, too. The good news is that a lot of them can be fixed!

The thing that's unique about home school is that it is different every single year.  You might have added a new baby to the mix.  Or just started junior high.  Or high school.  Or preschool. You might have moved to a different house or state or country.  Or changed jobs or income.  Or a hundred other things.  And just because your original curriculum or schedule was wonderful two years ago, doesn't mean that it will work next year.

I guess what I'm trying to say here is that YOU HAVE MY PERMISSION TO CHANGE.

Yep.  And it might even be necessary!

Even if you spent a whole bunch of money getting set up.  And you spent tons of time on that plan.

You might need to re-think it.

Here's an example:
Back in the day, when I was young, and had only a few students... I remember going to a homeschool convention where the speaker was saying this very thing.  I'm glad that my husband was with me to hear it.  He actually told the husbands to give their wives permission to change! We had already invested in a curriculum that we liked and it was working just fine for several years.  We planned to stick with it.  But you know how plans are.  I felt like all I was doing was grading papers.  And never had time to teach or read books or enjoy my kids.  Soooo... back to the drawing board!  We stuck that stuff back on the shelf and found something new.   I found a curriculum that I actually LOVED!  We did that for a few years.  But when we sold our house and moved several times, I needed something that would "get done."  You know what I mean.  It's not the best, but it gets done.  And on with the story...  things settled down for us.  Praise God!  And it's time for a new schedule.  And a new way to do school.  And it turns out that I'm constantly going back to that shelf full of old books and finding stuff that fits again.  And that curriculum that I LOVED is gonna get re-used next year with a whole new batch of kids.

Disclaimer:  I used to have a friend who changed everything every year.  Please don't do that.  There's no magic formula that will make this thing painless!  Sorry.  But sometimes we are trying to fit into something that is more painful than it actually needs to be.  Like high heels, for example.

Remember, this is a very long process.  This homeschooling endeavor.  If you want to stick with it, you're gonna have to like it.  Or at least be able to tolerate it without pulling your hair out too often.
And what worked for me or your best friend, may not work for you.  Hey! Ask around. Sometimes you can even trade with your friends to figure out something that fits better.  Like shoes.  They've just got to feel right.

So, what I'm usually doing around this time of the year, besides looking for a new pair of flip-flops, is thinking through what I liked and didn't like about this past school year.  What kept getting on my nerves?  Where should we keep the school stuff?  How did that schedule work?  What were the hang-ups?  How will I make time for this new student who's joining us next year? 

Time to make some lists.

That way we have all summer to morph this thing into something that we can all work with.  And possibly enjoy.  That's really the goal, right? 

If you find something that you're excited about, your kids will be excited, too.  Don't be afraid to change.  Change is good for the soul.

Just like new shoes.  : )

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