
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A Good Thing

Isn't that what Martha Stewart always says?  I tried to think of a better way to say it.  A handy thing?  A smart thing?  Any ideas?

Anyways,  here's a good thing.
Pantry containers.

 Keep the really giant containers somewhere else and store these in your kitchen cupboard.

They're from Wally World, or a store like that.  I prefer to buy Rubbermaid since it's an American factory.  But that's a whole other story...

 I like to keep all the baking stuff handy.  I'm more likely to bake that way.  Which is also a good thing. 

Another good thing...

Perennial flowers!  And lots and lots of them!

 These are my favorite.  Of course, the old lady that planted them several years ago, before we bought the house, didn't know that... but my Father did.  And now I get to enjoy them every year!  Yay!

I used to have these in my yard in Pittsburgh when I was four.  I'd talk to the ants and feed them kitchen scraps out by the peonies.  Yes, I was a strange child.  Are you surprised??

I also tried making perfume out of the petals, but it just turned into moldy slime.  You've just got to enjoy them fresh each year, I guess.  Yay for perennials!

The smell is so familiar.  It's a good thing.

And last but not least...

Oh yeah, baby.  BK just opened in my town.
I am saved from Taco Bell!

Time for a whopper.

Meet me for lunch... !

: )

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