
Monday, March 19, 2012

A Good Weekend

I've always wanted to do a corny family portrait like this.  You know, instead of holding violins...  This one just sortof happened spontaneously.  Too bad Benjamin was taking a nap and I was taking the picture.  Don't they all look so friendly???

Anyways, here's how it all panned out.

I took Graci out practice driving on Friday afternoon.  We wanted to get some veggies for the pizza.  At least that was her excuse.  I'm just glad to say that I survived.  And that little joke people say about gray hair and teenage drivers, well, that's not really a joke, unfortunately.

But the pizza was amazing.

And Graci learned how to make the dough in my Bosch.

I think the pizza was a peace offering.

I'm not sure.

So then we watched a weird and sortof lame movie called
"In Time."  Although I can't recommend it, it was thought provoking and revolved around the idea that we're all given a limited amount of time and we spend it, like money, on the things that matter to us.

Saturday morning coffee and hanging out, and then it's off to work.  This particular Saturday was so great for me because DAD was the foreman and the kids were his crew.  And I got the house all to myself for five blessed hours to clean in peace!

Time for paybacks, Graci!

Just kidding.

I would never do that....

OK, maybe never.

But just think about how much character you're building.

Not to mention upper-body strength.

I still find this picture hilarious.  I'm not sure why.  Bear with me.

So after they got done clearing brush, the guys decided to have a bush ax throwing contest.

Ooops.  Gotta go find that dern thing.   Hey, don't laugh.  You're next Captain.  And just because I love ya, I won't post pictures of your epic throw.

But I will post this one.

 Now this is what I call EPIC!  What a wonderful sight!

And for all you ladies out there who have vacuuming husbands, just bear with me once again while I stand in amazement.


I told ya we were gonna get that vacuum.

Yeah, it's pretty cool.

 We also happened upon another really cool thing.

 A lively little church.

 With a kick-butt worship team.

 It was refreshing.  And sweet.   See, we still haven't quite found our "tribe" here yet.  We've met so many nice people and made lots of friends, but don't feel quite settled as far as a church family goes.  We are sortof an unusual family (I'm pretty sure you already knew that) so it's sometimes a challenge to find our place.  I'm not sure if we found it this weekend, but we sure heard from God.  And that's always a good sign.


When we got home from church and Lowe's...

We put Patie's long awaited loft bed together.

 This thing is a beast.

It's super high.

We still might cut the legs down a bit.  ?

 She wanted the steps carpeted.

I'm still not sure about that.

But she's pretty opinionated about things related to style.

That about sums up the weekend.

Oh, I almost forgot the icing on the cake.  Johnny Carino's, baby!  Yep, while the teens went to check out the new youth group, the parents went on a date.  Shoot, the world's best restaurant was right down the road, what was I supposed to do?

Eat tiramisu, of course.  ; )

That was a good weekend.

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