
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Why You Shouldn't Homeschool

On my fridge there's a list of the Top Ten Reasons to Homeschool Your Children.  It's been there for years and I read it almost every day.  They are very good, important reasons.
There's also a bazillion books and articles out there telling you about all the joys and benefits of homeschooling. So, just to be fair, I thought I'd tell you why you shouldn't do it.
Yep, you heard right.
Brace yourself.

Do not homeschool if you think it will make your children moral.  Your children are sinners.  Mine are, too.  It's a sad fact.  If you think that keeping them away from sinful children will keep them from sinning, then you're wasting your time.  They can sin all by themselves.  Without any outside influence.  On a deserted island.  In a monastery.  In fact, they are born sinning and will continue sinning regardless of circumstances.  That's why we all need a savior, right?  If we just needed homeschooled to be good people, then God could have just sent an Educational Reformer rather than a Perfect Sacrifice.
Homeschoolers just have DIFFERENT ways of sinning.  They are often more religious and self-righteous.  Judgmental.  Sneaky.  My kids tell me that being homeschooled actually makes it EASIER to cheat.  They know that from experience, I'm guessing.  It may come as a surprise to you, but once you've been around the homeschool block a few times, you'll see what I mean.

Do not homeschool if you think it will be quality bonding time.  This is hard work.  H-A-R-D W-O-R-K!  There are definitely some bonding moments mixed in, but you can still have those if you send your kids to public school.  You can even have warm cookies and milk ready for them when they get home!  Homeschooling your kids is a full-time occupation.  Not part time.  It's a ginormous undertaking.  Your house will be messier.  Your kids will annoy you more.  You will not be able to do what you want.  You will sometimes want to run away.

Do not homeschool if you can't be the bad guy.  Although I get along GREAT with my kids and they are pretty much my best friends... being your kid's teacher CREATES tension in a relationship, rather than relieves it.  Instead of your kids coming home and telling you what a big jerk their teacher is, they'll be thinking that about YOU!  Of course, not all the time.  But it does happen. You're the teacher.  Principal.  Taskmaster.  Judge.  Policeman.  Drill Sergeant.  You get the idea.  There's no one else doing your dirty work.  You've got to be the bad guy.  If you can't do that, then don't homeschool.

Do not homeschool if you think your kids will be smarter.   I used to think that, too.  It is true, maybe in the first few years, because of all your effort and attention.  But this is a looooong race.  You will get tired.  You may even settle for average smartness.  A lot of homeschoolers are amazing, stunning scholars.  But your kid may not be.  He might just be average.  Or below.  No matter how hard you try.  And life has a way of cutting in on the school time.  That makes it extremely challenging to keep up that impressive pace.  The public school is more like the post office.  It doesn't really matter what's going on in your family, the mail's coming and the school is open.  So those kids have the advantage of the consistency that homeschools sometimes lack.

Do not homeschool if you think that you can work a job from home at the same time.   You may be able to pull it off for the short term, in an emergency.  But for the long haul, you'll be spreading yourself too thin.  And something's got to give.  Most likely it will be your children's education that suffers first, not your job.  If you're going to try to do both, just swallow your pride and let someone else teach your kids.  Or get help at home.

Do not homeschool if you're doing it because someone else thinks you should.  Unless it's your husband and he knows best  ; )  and you already know in your heart that it is what you're supposed to do.  Otherwise, ignore everybody else.  It's too personal of a decision.  It's WAAAAY to much work for somebody else to put on your plate if you don't have the gumption for it.  Don't do it because of a guilt trip.  Not from your mother.  Your sister.  Your neighbor.  Your preacher.  Nobody!  The only one who ought to be telling you what to do is God.  You've got to answer to Him.  So, don't homeschool unless YOU know you should.

There, have I talked you out of it?  I hope not.  But I think it's only fair to offer you the other side of the story so you can make a better decision and know what you're getting into.  Hopefully you already know that I believe in homeschooling.  So much so that I have made it my sole career.  With no end in sight.  I love my job.  It drives me crazy sometimes, but I believe it is worth it.  My precious students are turning out to be very imperfect, despite my efforts (or, as a result of them).  And they are in need of a Savior just as much as I am.  Regardless of their education.  I just thought you should know.

With love,

1 comment:

  1. Wow. I am loving your real-ness. You have a great way of boiling it all down and putting it in a nutshell. I vow to practice being more real.


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