
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Monkey Bread Gets Brownie Points

This past Sunday we decided to stay home for church.  Since 8 out of 9 of us were sick, it seemed like a pretty good idea. : )  Elijah ended up preaching and it was sweet.  But before church, we needed to eat.  So, in keeping with my Miss Motivated self, I decided to attempt to oblige Noah's request for "Monkey Bread."  I used to make this all the time back when I shopped at Aldi and bought those cheap refrigerator biscuits.  But I haven't tried it since I became an extreme tightwad.

Well, I have been seriously missing out!  This was soooooo much better!!

I mean, nothing else I accomplished the entire week earned me as many brownie points with my family as this very easy creation.  So, I thought you might like to try it, too.

Shoot, who couldn't use a few extra brownie points, right?

Whole Wheat Monkey Bread
Here's the play by play, in my very non-measuring method...

First I made a batch of my trusty whole wheat dough recipe.  I made two of these huge coffee cakes, but I think that one would use about two loaves worth of bread dough.  You could use your own recipe for this part.  The best thing is that I didn't let the dough rise at all!  (We were hungry)  All I did was melt a stick of butter in one bowl and mix up some cinnamon/sugar in another. (use big bowls, it's messy)

Just tear off big balls of dough, they don't have to be round or perfect, about the size of a lemon.  Toss them in the butter and then roll in sugar mixture.

Line them up in a greased bundt pan.  Nothing fancy, just layer them in there, sortof fitted together.  Stop at about 2/3 full, because it will rise when you bake it.

---Do not use an angel food cake pan because the butter and sugar will run out all over the oven and cause the house to be extremely smokey.  I'm guessing.  ; )

Just set it on the back of the stove covered with a tea towel while you wait for the oven to preheat to 350.  If you're making two,  leave that one there while you make the other one.  You can let it rise at this point, if you want to, but I didn't.

Bake it for about 30-40 min.  I'm guessing here.  It depends on how big you make it.  The top will be brown and a little crispy.  You can pull it out and check down inside if you're not sure if it's still doughy.

When it's done, pull it out and cover the top of the pan with a big dinner plate.  Grab it on both sides and flip it over.  Don't wait or it will stick.  Be careful.

You're gonna be amazed by this thing, really.  It's like the world's easiest cinnamon rolls...all gooey and fluffy.  Everybody just pulls off a few pieces while it's hot.  I think Noah ate an entire pan by himself!

I'm not sure why it's called monkey bread.  But if your family is anything like mine, they're gonna call you wonderful!

Let me know if you make it or if you'd like my bread recipe.


1 comment:

  1. Yes, do share your bread recipe! I just got my NutriMill (I am SOOOOooo happy!) and I made bread the other day that was yum, but I need to check out some other recipes! I am trying to hunt down all the ingredients to make Ezekiel Bread too! Love that stuff! Think I might have to order some of the stuff online. Oy. -Anna


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