
Thursday, February 16, 2012

How to Surpass Them All, Part 2

OK, so what if you're not The Proverbs 31 Super Amazing Woman?

What if you’re not Mrs. Dugger?

  Or "Total Mom", Hannah Keeley?

What if you’re just a regular mom like me?

I mean, geez, some days I don’t do ANY of those things in Proverbs 31.  And none of my kids play violin!  What a guilt trip, right?

So, here’s what I’m thinking....

What if they decided to make a movie of your life?  And they collected snippets of all your activities ever since you first got married and became a mom and began running your household?

Getting the picture?  Do you think it would be totally un-inspiring?  Think again....

I’m pretty sure you have “gotten up while it’s still dark”  if you’ve ever had a baby.  And you’ve probably actually made the nutritious breakfast with your own body!  You’ve cooked up your share of amazing breakfasts, too.

Have you ever driven out of your way to snatch a bargain?  That’s “food from afar”!

OK, so maybe you’ve never planted a vineyard... what about a garden?  A tomato plant on the deck?  Have you ever gotten really motivated and dug up some dirt to plant something?

Have you ever had a yard sale and made some moolah?  Did you ever buy anything that your family needed with the money you earned?

In my movie there would be plenty of sewing scenes.  But they were quite a while ago, before fabric got so expensive.  Now that clothes prices are going back up, there might be some more sewing in my next sequel.

I made a quilt or two back in the day.  If they put that in my movie, I’d look so domestic!  But now we’ve got plenty of blankets.  And lots of warm clothes, thanks to hand-me-downs and shopping at Goodwill.  That doesn’t look so impressive as slaving over a spinning wheel or a giant quilt rack, but it works for me.

So, see, I’m not stressing out because it’s winter.  I’ve made sure that everybody has warm shoes and a winter coat and enough covers on their beds.  I bet you do the same thing.

Once my family is taken care of and I’ve got extra, I find somebody in need.  Or I drop a bag off at a charity.  If I find a killer deal at the store, I sometimes buy a whole buggy full of coats, etc. and take it to somebody who can use it.  That would look impressive in my movie, too.  But it’s not like I do it everyday!

Hey, here’s another thing...  it looks like this Proverbs woman is failing to homeschool. How pathetic!  I bet her big kids are a real help around the house since they’re not busy doing their Algebra and Biology.  The movie makers would really eat these scenes up... the times when I’m waxing eloquent about cellular cytolysis or the Pythagorean Theorem. 

I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty impressed with myself.  As long as they edit out all my temper tantrums and pajamas-in-the-middle-of-the-day scenes!

But, since they’re probably not ever gonna make a movie of my extremely normal life and the public is never going to sing my praises for being so amazing and “surpassing them all” --  who’s going to sing my praises????

Her children arise and call her blessed;
her husband also and he praises her:
"Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all."  Proverbs 31:28,29

That's what really counts, ya'll! 

1 comment:

  1. Awww.. I feel so much better now! After yesterday's post, I wasn't feeling too great. Hehehe


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