
Monday, January 9, 2012

Lovin' My Girls... and the Rooster, Too

Have I told you lately how much I absolutely love my chickens?

I need to tell you so that if you are even remotely trying to decide if you want to try to raise your own, I might be able to tip the scale in favor of wonderful chickens.  So far, there is not one thing that I do not like about these birds.

Here's a few things that we've learned from our experience:

They are easier to care for than the dog. 

They make eggs.

They eat every bit of kitchen scraps and grody stuff out of my fridge and turn it into eggs.

The eggs taste good.

They do not stink.  The chickens, that is.

They are surprisingly resilient.

They are just as happy at 95 degrees as they are at 19.

They keep the dog from being neurotic by giving her a job to do.

They are friendly, in a weird sort of way.

And they are extremely entertaining.

Are you convinced yet?  Even though we've built a run for them to hang out in, I like to let them out and watch them explore the yard and look for bugs.  It drives Noah crazy because he worries about them all day.  He's pretty attached.

They like to clean up under the bird feeders. 

They'll stand at our front door looking in.  Eat all the cat food they can get their beaks on.
The rooster will even look in the back door.  Wonder what he's thinking...

By the way, we didn't order a rooster.  He just happened to be included.  His name is Manly Stanley.   I enjoy watching him strut his stuff.  I learn a lot about men that way.  ; )

One of our girls decided to go broody today.  That means that she wants to start a family so she set up camp in one of the nesting boxes and is planning on hatching everyone else's eggs, as well as her own.

I would be pretty excited about it, but since it's the middle of winter, I think her timing is a little off.  We'll have to keep shooing her off and taking her eggs.  Maybe she can try again in the Spring.  I'd sure love those little peeps!  I'm not quite sure about all those chickens, though.  We're already eating eggs every day!  Oh well, the more the merrier.
Anyways...just wanted you to know. : )

Later, Peeps.

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