
Monday, December 5, 2011

Crafting With Toddlers

Here's a quick,  fun craft project that little kids really enjoy.  It's also cheap and easy to clean up, so moms can enjoy it, too!

Gather the stuff:  candy canes, brown pipe cleaners, googly eyes, little pom-poms and a hot glue gun.  And only a tiny bit of patience.

Just cut the pipe cleaner into three pieces and twist the long one onto the candy cane to make antlers.  Then twist each short piece onto the ends, like so.

Then glue on the face.  Be sure to use the LOW temp setting, since your little one will probably be doing the sticking on part.

(Please ignore that foil ball...I have no idea why it's there.)

Sorry about the bad pictures, but you get the idea...  : )
Also, this was last year and I'm happy to say that I do not have wallpaper in my kitchen anymore!
I know, you were worried about that.

At first this seemed to me like a boring craft, but it turned out to be a real hit that we have done with more than one toddler over the years.  They are always so proud to give their own little homemade gift.
Have fun.
Remember, no stressing out about Christmas!
Have fun!

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